A lot of people assume that all homeless people are useless. However, most homeless people can get back on their feet. For example, David Pirtile a formerly homeless man who was attacked while sleeping on a street in NYC now works as a speaker with the National Coalation for the Homeless. He used to manage a couple of resteraunts and he had a sister that was diagnosed with schizophrenia, a mental disorder that is characterized by a break down of the thought process. Pitrile is a good example of a homeless person that just needed some assistance to get back on his feet. This shows how not all homeless people are just lost causes and if given the help needed they can resume their positive role on society.
Many people think that homelessness it too expensive to solve, but actually it would only cost about $20 billion to end homelessness in the United States according to," Resolve to end Homelessness in 2013," in the Huffington Post. That is less than half of what is spent on weight loss and self-improvement products. All that is needed to end homelessness is the backing of the government. Besides that, the federal government already spends about 4 billion on homeless people and their families,http://www.post-gazette.com/
Also, if there was a homeless man living on the street and he got some financial assistance, then he would most likely be able to get back onto his feet. Most homeless would take the opportunity that was given to them and make the most of it. For example, most people that I know don't necessarily believe highly of homeles people so instead of giving them money, which is what they usually ask for, they provide them with food. After this, they're usually grateful that they had a decent meal and move on with their lives. This situation leads me to believe that homeless people are just looking for an opportunity of making something out of themselves, but just can't because they have to survive first.
It is true that some homeless wouldn't want to accept the help that is provided to them because they feel they are better than that. An example of this was when I gave a homeless man 10 dollars and he rejected it while saying he would only accept spare change. However, I believe that it would still be good to provide assistance to the homeless since they would be able to get many homeless off of the streets. Ultimately it is possible to end homelessness, but we just need to make an effort instead of arguing over whether the issue can even be solved. Homeless people need others to believe in them and provide them with support in order for them to succeed.
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